421HZN10R Intermediate hinge

replaces 421HZ, 10mm raised top blade, Epco panels

Unit: piece (1)
Full package quantity: 100

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More Information
Subcategory 02. Intermediate, Epco
Full package quantity 100
Unit piece (1)
Weight / Unit 0,1kg
Material Galvanised Steel
Width 60mm
Product Family a 103§
Panel brand Epco
Marking 421HZ FF
Commercial description W = 60mm
Technical description Number of rows of intermediate hinges, depending on door width: w<2749mm = 1 row, w<3999mm = 2 rows, w<4999mm = 3 rows, w<5999mm = 4 rows, w<6999mm = 5 rows, w<7999mm = 6 rows, w<8999mm = 7 rows.